29 June 2006

My Daughter

Tonight I was reading to my 5 year old daughter, kaity. She is so cool. She has such a heart for Christ and understands so much more than most of the christians I know. I now know what Jesus meant when He said we must have faith of the children or we will never get to Heaven. The children know about dependence and love. Maybe we need to learn the same.

27 June 2006

Amazing Jesus

Corey and I have been having a discussion about many things, but God has really blessed our discussion on Luke 4. Wow...

Read Luke 1-3 first and see all of the wonderful supernatural things that occurred before the birth of Christ.

Now, look at Christ's baptism in chapter 3. The wonderful event is followed by God being proud of His Son.

I don't know about you, but I strive for that time when I have a glimpse at God's proudness. I know I am unworthy of His presence, but God continues to reveal Himself to me.

I pray that your journey is similar if not surpassing mine.

God Bless


24 June 2006

My Jesus

I was listening to Todd Agnew's song "My Jesus" the other day and just began to ponder who my JESUS was, is, and is to come. So much about Him i don't know. I love his passion for the underprivileged and his love of those who were rejected. He judged harshly the self-righteous and wealthy/comfortable. He healed the sick (both physically and emotionally). He suffered a humiliating, painful death and put our sins to death as well. He rose from the dead leaving our sin behind. He ascended to Heaven after forty days of teaching his disciples.

This I know, but why does He love me? I rejected Him, blamed Him, hated Him for so long and yet He waited for me.

I cannot wait to know Him more and more.

What are your thoughts?

19 June 2006

Having a Blessed Summer

The Gathering is rockin'. God is bringing so many different types of people into a stinking coffee shop to hear about Jesus. That is a cool thing this summer.

But not the coolest. The coolest thing is teaching my five year old daughter about Christ. God has given me to her to teach and to raise with scripture. I pray that all of you out there have someone this summer that you are mentoring--a child, a friend, a prisoner...anyone who knows less about Jesus than you do. If you do, then you too will have a blessed summer.


01 June 2006

June 1, Hurricane Season is upon us

The spiritual hurricane that overtakes this world is largely ignored. We, as Christians, sit and watch the world fall apart, but we do little--maybe I should say "I" rather than "we." I struggle as you do--with work/school, family, friends, faith....I feel "too busy" to do much, "too insignificant." What am I to do? Actually get off my butt and help? Am I to go beyond my means and live for others?

I don't know about you, but this summer is not about me. I pray that this is about teaching my Gathering members, my daughter and my wife how to minister to others (I left my son out because he is 1, not really old enough to understand).

How does that look to serve others? How can we reach out to touch the lives of the down-and-out? How can we reach the wealthy? How can we reach the middle-class? What can we do as the Gathering to come out of our Christian closet and reach the "sinners" of the world....by the way, that might even mean those sitting in the pews next to you at Church....

Another rambling thought--
