12 September 2005

Whose Your Boss? Joshua 9

The greatest commandment is "Love your Lord your God with all you heart, mind, and strength." What does that mean in our daily life. It means exactly what Jesus said it meant--the number one thing in your life is God. In all aspects if your life, God should be the greatest influence and it should be obvious to others that God is so important.

Joshua made a grave mistake in Joshua 9. Rather than consulting the Lord, he took matters in his own hands. What seemed to be an easy affair to complete turned out to be more of a burden than the Israelites ever thought. Rather than following through with God's commands, he took care of an insignificant agreement with a "faraway land." Problem--this people were his neighbors that God had told him to destroy. When this group came to him to gain a covenant, Joshua quickly wanted to show his political suave and complete it on his own--sorry God, I can do this one myself. Instead of gaining fame and glory with the first treaty his people signed, he was embarrassed by the lies the people told them.

I don't blame the people. As in verses 24-25, this people was fearful so they did what every they could to survive. Joshua, on the other hand, completed a major piece of diplomacy without demonstrating that God was the center of his life.

Right now, ask yourself, Are you more like Joshua? Do you date people without consulting God? Do you make decisions without prayer? Do you decide things on your emotion rather than the Word of God? Most of us say yes to these questions. Guess what--that means that God is not number one in our lives--we are.

As you consider this truth, pray that God will deliver you from this self-centered mentality--I know I am right now!


09 September 2005

Redemption--Joshua 8

I thank God for the redemption He gave me. I had failed him for so many years. So many times my sin kept me from truly understanding His call and direction in my life. I think back at all of the blessings that I missed. Yet, rather than God striking me dead or turning His back on me, He continued to love me.

This is the same story we see in Joshua 8. The sin of Achan kept the Israelites from securing the blessing already promised. See, their sin blinded them from what God truly called them to do. Now, after the Israelites purged themselves of the sin, Joshua heard God's direction! With that direction, Joshua gained victory.

Is this the same in your life? Are you too busy to hear God? Are you too preoccupied to hear His word? Stop and seek redemption. With redemption, victory is a short distance away.

God Bless,


02 September 2005

I Swear to God--Joshua 7

Today, the words "I swear to God" are all around. Kids say it when they are proving things. I even hear adults say it when they are found in the wrong. I have to laugh at them. Think about it, these adults know they are wrong, know they are lying, but they will swear to God that the truth is told. What a bunch of melarky! Americans today throw God's name around like they own it.

Why is it important not to do this? For one thing, it is one of those little things known as the 10 Commandments. Another thing is that we are lying not only to the people around us, we are lying to God himself! We are making mini-covenants with him if we say that. Look at what Achan did.

Most of the readers of this passage would think the punishment was too harsh, but remember his sin brought death to other Israelites. Today, our punishments are not that harsh, but thinking about where the Israelites were and what they had before them, there was no room for error. So, Joshua, being the strong leader, knew what had to happen. Praise God that today we have room for error. How many times would have I been stoned for my sin? But, because we are not in the place where the Israelites were and because of the greatest gift of all--Jesus--we have more freedom.

Next time you want to use the Lord's name in vain, you may want to rethink it. If you want to "swear to God" you may want to ponder the great responsibility that actually is.

May God continue to bless you
