30 October 2005

What Do We Shoot For?

As Evangelical Christians, I always have thought about what we stand for and how we are perceived. Ask a friend what they think about the Evangelical Movement. They will either say they have never heard of it or they will say that it is about going to Hell and things we cannot do.

This is a sad statement on our faith. Southern Baptists must begin to define ourselves by what we stand for rather than what we stand against. We must unite in faith and love rather than hatred and judgment.

What do you think about that?


18 October 2005

God's Will, Not Our Own, Joshua 11

Have you been directed by God to complete a task? How far did you go with that task? Did you stop when the Holy Spirit said enough? Or did you continue on you own strength? Or, were you afraid of the task that was at hand? Instead of completing it, you went the opposite direction?

All of these outcomes are very plausible, and very American. The reason for this is Americans work on their own strength--self-made people. Rather than relying on God, we think we can do it ourselves. We mask this by saying that "I'm OK, God has more important things to do."

Well, the Israelites found themselves with an awesome task, one that must have seemed overwhelming. Conqueror the people in the promised land to the point of death. Wipe out the entire population so that the Israelites can have the land in which God had already given them.

For the most part, the Israelites followed God's direction, relying on His strength alone. When they failed, they quickly learned that God's way was the best.

As we read chapter 11, we see the completion of the task. I wonder how many of the Israelites were saying--"Let's go on. We are the greatest people ever." Think about it, that is human nature. "God is on our side so let's take advantage of it!" These were probably the same people who were saying "This task is too great, let's go back to Egypt."

But instead, the Israelites "had rest from war." Wow, all that fighting and Joshua said enough, God has completed our task. What an amazing end to an amazing journey.

The question for you is this--are you willing to complete God's task on God's terms?

God Bless,


08 October 2005

A Call for Action

I have been praying throughout the month about what God can use us to do. We have planned an October 22 bonfire, but what about a ministry? Do you know anyone who is really in need that we can help?

Call me--575-9500

Do you seek God's Protection--Joshua 10

In today's word, so many crises sweep us into ourselves. Rather than looking outward to support and offer the love of God, we fortify ourselves. How is God going to use you if you refuse to be used?

In this passage, the Gibeonites are like those who surround us. Maybe a none believer who is watching our witness or a new believer that is under attack from Satan needs protection. What are you going to do?

If you reach out and protect him like the Israelites did you may lose study time or time scoping out girls/guys. So, you ignore or even join in the destructive behavior.

What if you did reach out? What if you said to God, let me be used at this moment?

I have always been one who struggles at being stretched, but I do know that when you let God stretch you, God will work miracles in your life.

Share a time with us that you were stretched and the results so we can witness God's work in your life.

God Bless,
