15 December 2005

Advent--Bringing Back Ritual

I am not an expert at ritual. The one thing I have learned from the past three years since I began seeking a new direction in my Christian journey is that many people not in the church are seeking true religious experiences. They do not want just a warm-fuzzy god, but a God that is alive in their lives.

In the early Church, rituals, such as Advent, were used to bring about a CONSCIENCE decision to remember Jesus. That is the purpose of ritual. It is not an empty work. Can some become empty, of course; just as many churches today are spiritually empty.

I challenge you to seek out what type of rituals you can find on the web that will bring you back to the remembering Christ, EVERYDAY of the Christmastide--that is the first four weeks of December.

Respond with you ideas and your finds.

God Bless,


11 December 2005

What is Advent?

I have not thought a lot about Advent. What is it? I actually do not know what it actually is. I know that we have an advent wreath at church that is lit every Sunday. We have a short lesson in which I cannot recall what it is on. It typically is a moment in which I and all others around us are looking for a pen, paper, and rustling through the Bible, purse, or other belongings so we can be ready for the preaching.

I am sad to say that I did not know much about the Advent season. So, the challenge for you is this: answer the question, "What is the Advent?"

God Bless,


02 December 2005

The Righteous Life--Titus 3:1-11

My main focus on my Christ journey is mercy and grace. Rather than judging non-believers, I seek to embrace them. I oppose any teaching of "Good Christians." That term festers the idea of legalism--"To be a good Christian you must...."

But, what does a Christian life look like? How are we to live righteously? I know we cannot life such a life on our own. As sinners, we will fail every time. But Christ taught about being the light. How can a believer live and teach righteousness without being legalistic?

Read Titus Chapter 3. We are to live with with the "hope of eternal life." We should "maintain good works" not because we want to look good, but to serve Christ. We are not to be caught in "foolish disputes" at church, but we are to "reject a divisive man" when he acts self-righteous.

Meditate on these thoughts. How are we to live a righteous life before men without trying to get attention? How are we to rebuke sinners at church? How are we to live?

God Bless,
