The spiritual hurricane that overtakes this world is largely ignored. We, as Christians, sit and watch the world fall apart, but we do little--maybe I should say "I" rather than "we." I struggle as you do--with work/school, family, friends, faith....I feel "too busy" to do much, "too insignificant." What am I to do? Actually get off my butt and help? Am I to go beyond my means and live for others?
I don't know about you, but this summer is not about me. I pray that this is about teaching my Gathering members, my daughter and my wife how to minister to others (I left my son out because he is 1, not really old enough to understand).
How does that look to serve others? How can we reach out to touch the lives of the down-and-out? How can we reach the wealthy? How can we reach the middle-class? What can we do as the Gathering to come out of our Christian closet and reach the "sinners" of the the way, that might even mean those sitting in the pews next to you at Church....
Another rambling thought--