Advent--Bringing Back Ritual
I am not an expert at ritual. The one thing I have learned from the past three years since I began seeking a new direction in my Christian journey is that many people not in the church are seeking true religious experiences. They do not want just a warm-fuzzy god, but a God that is alive in their lives.
In the early Church, rituals, such as Advent, were used to bring about a CONSCIENCE decision to remember Jesus. That is the purpose of ritual. It is not an empty work. Can some become empty, of course; just as many churches today are spiritually empty.
I challenge you to seek out what type of rituals you can find on the web that will bring you back to the remembering Christ, EVERYDAY of the Christmastide--that is the first four weeks of December.
Respond with you ideas and your finds.
God Bless,
In the early Church, rituals, such as Advent, were used to bring about a CONSCIENCE decision to remember Jesus. That is the purpose of ritual. It is not an empty work. Can some become empty, of course; just as many churches today are spiritually empty.
I challenge you to seek out what type of rituals you can find on the web that will bring you back to the remembering Christ, EVERYDAY of the Christmastide--that is the first four weeks of December.
Respond with you ideas and your finds.
God Bless,