31 August 2005

God's Way--Joshua 5:13-6:27

I remember an illustration used by a preacher years ago--a young man (much younger than myself) was returning home from a revival at his church. He heard a message on listening to the Holy Spirit and acting on its movements. The man was driving home when he felt the Spirit tell him to get a gallon of milk. He did it, not knowing why. Then, as he was driving the Spirit moved him to go home in a different path. He did it again not knowing why. Then, the Spirit moved on him to stop and knock on a door. He struggled with this one, especially since it was a poorer neighborhood around midnight. He finally did it. As he knocked on the door, a father opened the door and said--"What do you want?" The man held up the milk, and the father began to tear up. The father said, "Thanks, my baby needs milk but we can't afford it right now." The man went home knowing the power of God.

The movement of God is strange to us. God's rational thinking is so much above our own. In that way, I believe that God is neither rational nor irrational in the world's standards--He is God! Read the passage in Joshua. Think about what Joshua was thinking when he was chatting with the Lord.

  1. The commander of God's army first states that he is on neither Joshua's side nor the enemies side--he was with God. God does not chose sides like we do in a football game. We must humbly chose to follow God.
  2. God's war plan was a little unorthodox. No weapons would be used. The Israelites would march around great city of Jericho.
  3. Instead of fighting, the Israelites would use horns and screams on the seventh day.
  4. If the follow these instructions, victory would be theirs.

Now, place yourself in the Israelites' shoes. You leader has come to you and said that no weapons would be used, no fighting would be necessary for seven days, and the means of victory was marching around the city with horns. I don't think that sounds rational in the minds of man. We want victory. We want to crush our opponents. But God said no. God, in his rational and logical mind, wanted to remind the Israelites that victory was not something they could do on their own, but only through the power of God.

Now, as we ponder this story and see the great victory God gives, the question now is will you follow the Spirit's call even when it seems weird?

God Bless,


29 August 2005

The Rites of Passage--Joshua 5:1-12

A driver's license is one of many rites of passage teens go through during the maturation process. Once they receive the license, the teen truly becomes a free, young adult. Marriage is another rite. After the ceremony, the young adult transitions from a selfish state to more of a selfless state--a mark of becoming a mature adult.

Why are these rites so important? They are symbolic on our journeys through life. There are other spiritual rites that are as important, if we choose to take them. Like the Israelites entering the Promise Land, they had the choice to ignore the spiritual rites and continue on or reestablish the important rites that bring them a clearer understanding of their relationships with God.

So, upon entering Canaan, Joshua paused. Instead of being the immature conqueror, he paused to reestablish the Israelite commitment to God. I bet this was not popular with the Israelite men. Read verse 4. All of the men were to be circumcised. This is a painful operation today; think about the pain back then without our modern techniques. The men chose to fulfill their covenant (sacred agreement) with God. From that day on, the men made the statement that God was more important than the land, more important than their journey, more important than anything around them. The importance of this rite was not just the cutting of the foreskin, but the willingness to sacrifice.

Luckily for us today, circumcision is not the "covenant" that makes one a believer. The rite we must make today is the acceptance of Christ and to follow this with believer's Baptism. The Baptism is a symbolic rite that illustrates we as believers are willing to follow Christ no matter what.

Reread Joshua 5. Look at what happens once the covenant is reestablished. The manna stopped coming. The special food God had provided during the Israelite journey was no longer needed. The land was now given to the Israelites for them to live off of. They are to eat from the land. God moved from providing minimum food to providing protection and victory for the Israelites. The rite illustrated the Israelites, under Joshua, were ready for the next journey.

The question for you today is are you ready for the next journey or must you finish the one that God has set before you. I pray you will take this time to revisit your spiritual memorials and ask God what is the next rite of passage that is before you.

God Bless,


25 August 2005

Journey Memorials--Joshua 4

On vacations, many of my friends keep journals--either diary type or photo journals. They enjoy going back and remembering their journeys. Joshua did the same thing in Joshua 4. God commanded him, and Joshua followed the orders. Yet, in his directions to the Israelites, it is obvious that this was not just a "religious work," but a special duty Joshua was completing for God, the Israelites, as well as himself.

The memorials that were constructed were for different purposes. The one in the river was one done for those living at the time. As the Jordan was being held back by the power of God, they created this memorial for themselves. This was something they did to create a memory that would never go away. Obviously, as the river covered it, the generations after them would only enjoy the stories.

The other memorial was for the future generations to remember the power of God. Now, the story of the conquering of Canaan would not only be in words but in memorial--a visual representation so all could remember.

That is why spiritual memorials are so important for us on our Christian journeys. In the minds of this world, we forget that God's power is important in this busy, self-made world. In our minds, God can do little for us Americans since we can so much for ourselves. That is why God wants us to maintain a series of memorials to remember the work of God in our lives.

When was the last time you created a memorial--in words, on a website, or in art form? Maybe, as the Israelites crossed the Jordan, you should begin to create memories of what God has done for you, so that you will carry the memories throughout your life, as well as your future generations carry the memories on.

God Bless


23 August 2005

The Power of God--Joshua 3

So many times, Christians attempt to control situations. We pray about something, but then we use our own power in hopes of controlling it. Why? Probably because we don't want to take the time to purify ourselves with sacrifice and wait for the movement of God. Or maybe we are fearful of how God will lead us.

Read Joshua 3 and see how Joshua worked on the challenges before him. In verse 5 he told his people to "purify" themselves. Maybe that is what we should do as a church--the entire collective body. Rather than focusing only on our individual relationship with Christ, we should begin to focus on the community. Why? Read on in verses 7 and 8.

As the Israelites were faithful to Joshua's instructions, God spoke to Joshua--"I will make you great in the eyes of the Israelites." God was going to do incredible things that day. Do we believe that our prayers will be answered the same way? Do we as a church body believe in the mighty works of God? Or do we just believe in the works of God we can control? How can we expect results if we do not expect wondrous works of God?

As Joshua called his people to consecrate themselves and Joshua anticipated the great works of God, God proved himself faithful again--as he had done for Moses, God parted a body of water for the Israelites to cross. Now, rather than living in the past with the miracles of Moses, the Israelites lived in the present with the miracles of Joshua. That is what God is about. Not just us living in the past, or even living with the story of our salvation. God is about living in the present with his miracles all around us. Do you believe in the wondrous powers of God?

Think about God's power in your life today in your prayers. Ask God to reveal more power to you.


18 August 2005

An Unexpected Leader--Joshua 2

Think about the leaders you have in your life. Would you think of any of them as "drunks" or "homemakers" or "whores"? Have you heard the complete testimony of the leaders closest to you? Where are you on your walk with Christ? Are you the outstanding, morally perfect person everyone else "expects"?

I thank God everyday that He did not wait for my "perfection" before He met me and used me as a leader. As I stumbled and continue to stumble with sin, God has continuously rewarded my efforts that seek Him. I praise God for His love and mercy that saved me from death and destruction.

Read Joshua 2. The story of Rahab is amazing. A "whore" was used by God to protect His chosen people. What do you think the average Israelite leader would have said if the two spies said, "Oh, by the way, our victory is going to be secured by a prostitute. Oh, before I forget, we promised her protection and actually to include her in our people. Oh, yeah, God is going to allow our Savior's blood line to go through her. Is that OK with you?" Most would have rejected her and the spies with a statement like "Stupid sinners. God only works with the good people."

As Christians, we forget where we come from. I was a sinner and am a sinner. The only difference between me today and eight years ago is I am a repentant sinner. I seek my salvation through Christ, the atoning sacrifice for my sin.

So, remember, no matter where you are today in your spiritual journey--a repentant sinner looking for Christ's direction or a person who has no idea what that means--God can use you if you are willing.

Remember, Jesus came to save the sick, not the righteous. Jesus used the fishermen, a tax collector, and other lesser people as leaders rather than the accepted religious leaders of the day. If God can use a prostitute, a tax-collector, an uneducated person, and even a murderer, I truly believe He can use you where you stand today. Do not go and "change" yourself; allow God to love you and mold you.


15 August 2005

The Calling of a New Leader--Joshua 1

In today's world, leaders are self-made. The leaders with the fewest mistakes and the greatest amount of luck rise to the top, while others falter. Few leaders seek guidance. Few leaders view themselves as less than their predecessors.

As I read Joshua 1, I can imagine the fear Joshua felt. Think about it, Moses had led the Hebrews out of slavery by "parting the Red Sea." In the weakness of the Israelites, Moses interceded. Moses knew God personally. Moses had "earned" his position of leadership in the eyes of the Israelites.

Now, Moses was dead. Instead of the great Moses, God was allowing Joshua to lead the people across the Jordan to the Promised Land. Joshua, who had no leadership training, was left there thinking about what was happening. The great leader was dead and Joshua was alone.

God stated three times--"Be strong and courageous"! Instead of being arrogant and "self-made," Joshua thought about failures. Instead of lifting himself up, he thought of the greatness of his predecessor. Instead of seeing the future, he saw himself at the time at the place he was--a weak man in need of his God.

What is wonderful about this passage is that when Joshua finally listened to God and realized that he could be courageous because he was strong in God, God rewarded him by having Joshua's men encourage him with the same words. Joshua's men accepted Joshua's leadership by stating "So be strong and courageous."

God is awesome. When we stress about the leadership positions that He puts on us, we need to think about Joshua listening to God--"Be strong and courageous." As Paul wrote to the Timothy--"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." God gives us power through the Holy Spirit, therefore instead of fearing leadership, we should embrace it.
