The Narrow Gate or Wide Pathway

The question for the Christian is what pathway do we go? Do we join the world and go the wide way or do we seek Jesus in the narrow gate. This week, we begin a Biblical journey at looking at different examples of this. Join me in reading about Abram and Lot in Genesis beginning in Genesis 12. God Bless.
for some excellent preaching on the narrow gate and the narrow way look up a guy named Paul Washer... I just googled him and the first page is HeartCry Missionary society, he is the leader of this. On this site you'll find many sermons that you can stream and download but for preaching on the narrow way, click the third site .. heres the URL .. .... go there. the sermon takes a little over an hour but you will be glad you did .. the man speaks the truth and calls out a crowd of 5000 at a youth conference ... please listen to it .. this sermon along with Blackaby's Holiness have been integral in changing my life.
I gotta say, I truly enjoy this picture everytime I see it. Such a true portrayal of the narrow road, it's path, and also the wide road that many follow. I guess one of the hardest parts about the narrow path for most Christians is the idea of leaving the comfort of friends and others around us. Honestly, sometimes the narrow road can be long, rough, and lonely. For a human being, who is naturally relational, that can sometimes be hard. I guess in my personal walk, I've done my best to walk along the narrow path alone as long as I can, until I happen to stumble along someone else who may be in the same pit or thornbush, or constricting way of the world. These people are a blessing from God, and they should be held on to and cared for dearly, because they do in fact help to satisfy our relational desires. Can't wait for tonight- just promise me we won't be singing the Children's song about Father "you know who"....
haha ... but he had so many sons .. and many sons had him ... I dont know if I agree that I am one of them cause I'm not very Jewish but whatever... Oh Gathering .. how I miss you filling my Monday nights with joy and fellowship ...
okok, so more thoughts on the narrow way .. notice in Matthew 7 that it distiguishes between the narrow gate and the narrow way... i think that the church has the gate part down but the way is another story .. i guess thats why its narrow and "few walk in it" .. keep seeking and definitely listen to Paul Washer... Seacrest out
We just talked about Nicodemus on Thursday night...he reminds me of following the narrow path. I guess it's the pursuit of knowledge and understanding-how many people do we learn of or know that will take what is given to them and believe it themselves. But Nicodemus didn't do that. No, he questioned Jesus, the Savior himself, about His teachings and what they meant. He wasn't willing to accept things for face value, but wanted to the greater truths. I think that's a major part of following the narrow road. To me it's like, when we go on the narrow path, it's dark, gloomy, and lonely. When we begin to question and thirst and long for God's knowledge and love, that's when we get a little light, or get a valuable friend, or a smoother walk along the path. I don't know if the analogy made much sense, but it did to me, so just ask me if you are lost. Word... and stay classy.
Good ole Nic ... I think that he was just wrestling with God a little too ... I mean, think about it. Jesus was coming at him with truths that were counter-culture to him. He was a Pharisee. And look at the symbolism of light in the book of John. "I am the Light" Jn 8.12. Light is a symbol of salvation. At the end of John at the death of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea and who ... but its good ole Nic again who had originally come to Jesus at night. I think it mentions that to show that he found truth.
Good thoughs Josh, lest we get an elevated view of one lonely faithful Pharisee amongs a "brood of vipers"
Yea man...and the funny thing about how they mention him again in Chapter 19 is, yea it shows that he has definately found truth, but it still mentions that the two of them go in secret to ask for the body of Christ. I don't necessarily see that as bad with Nicodemus though, because honestly I just think he's doing what he has to to preserve the position that God has put him in. He's covering his own butt, but in this case I don't think it's bad. It's just going to show that God puts people in every walk and phase of life to be an influence to EVERYONE (even if it is those pesky pharisees and saducees....). Thanks for stopping by San Diego.
Hey Corey, are you coming home for the holidays at all? Thanksgiving or Christmas? It'd be good to actually hear from you in person again!
yeah ... ill be back on Thursday for Thanksgiving after a brief stop in Richlands VA and I'm set to drive back on Monday morning.
For Christmas, Ill actually be spending all three of my weeks in VA. This will be the first Christmas that I can recall that we haven't gone to Alabama but the family is coming up so Ill definitely see everyone soon
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