24 November 2005

My Personal Race--Testimony

I began my race with Christ over 7 years ago. I found myself at the very bottom! I had failed all of the man-made ethics that made me a "good person." The summer of 1997, I found myself with no where to go.

That is where I met Jesus--the real Jesus that loved me. Not the Jesus preached on TV or in a church I once went to. Their Jesus was one of doom and gloom. He JUDGED and HATED sinners. Sinners should feel ashamed of who they were. This Jesus I wanted to stay away from. But the REAL Jesus called me to Him, without all of the dogma of the modern church.

Jesus welcomed me for who I was--an unrepentant sinner. A man lost without hope! Christ opened His arms and said, "Are you ready?" I then began to interact with Him through the Holy Spirit. I accepted Christ--the loving God who is promised in the Bible.

Today, I have a greater understanding of who Christ is in my life. Rather than the initial reactions of ecstasy, I now have an appreciation of how Christ has saved my life and can save others.

Rather than preaching a Christ of judgment, I preach of a Christ of love. A Christ who only judged those who were judging others, the religious leaders who were self-righteous. I pray that I am a leader of love and caring.

I have not yet completely taken hold of Christ's love, but I continue to stride forward daily to see God active in my life.

God Bless,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi was- this is katieb.

your spiritual journey with christ honestly sounds amazing- i can only hope that one day i will go through a similar experiance, wether through christianity or some other religion, i one day hope for something to believe in. if it were not for you, i would see most if not all christians as hateful and judgemental(ive talked to you about this) and jesus as something to be feared.

9:00 PM  

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