08 April 2006

Drugs and America

I find it interesting that as America raises its arms in praise of athletes and other celebrities, very few remember Dwight Gooden. Dwight was one of the greatest pitchers ever to walk onto a field. He ignited the 1986 Mets to a World Series and then......drugs, promiscuity, financial woes. What happened?

As a minister to the young, I realize that in this fast pace world, there are few refuges. Rather than seeking peace and stability for a moment, the young would rather seek a new high. I was no different when I was in my 20's. I am lucky not to be Gooden in jail right now. I am lucky not to be Len Bias, dead on the night of his first pick in the NBA draft.

What saved me? Not the alcohol. Not the drugs. Not the womanizing. Not the refuge of the world at another night at the bars or parties. What saved me? Jesus....

What would have happened to Gooden if he had a transforming meeting with Jesus? Rather than Clemens being the greatest ever, Gooden would be seen as the greatest. Not on his own strength, but the power of the great Savior.

Today, I pray for Gooden. I pray for his salvation...not just a salvation from Hell after death, but a salvation from the Hell he is living in right now...the Hell of addiction. Only Jesus can truly free him, I pray he will meet him where he is..


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