28 February 2006

Religion vs. Relationship

We discussed last night about the problem with "religion." Being religious to me means you have an obligation to do it. Having a relationship with Christ means you choose to do something to know Him better.

It is more like a relationship. If I felt I HAD to do something for my wife, then she would be more offended that I did it. If I choose to do something for her because I absolute am in mad love with her, the relationship is built up.

Think about that next time you are worshipping Jesus. Are you lifting Him up because you absolutely love Him, cherish what He has done for you, and cannot wait to see what He has for in the future; or is it out of mere obligation?

Think about it!


Blogger Was said...

Parker, I seek the face of God because of who he is. I was an atheist just like you in high school. My testimony is quite extensive and I have experience the living Christ in a loving relationship.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Was said...

Both your points are valid. I struggled with agnostic/atheist feelings through my teens. I never was introduced to God. Even though I was a good guy in the world's standards, I struggled with sin. Womanizing, alcohol, and other things. I went to college and found an entire community that validated my sin--fraternity. After college, I found even more--the bar scene. I struggled with existence in this nothingness. Then, God called me to a church and I began a new journey. One that was not about other people or choices I had made in my past. This new journey was one of true freedom. Not of rules and regulations past down from my parents or church, but one that the Holy Spirit called me to live.

God revealed the sin in my life. He freed me from the damning cycle I lived. Today, not with all of the answers, I continue on my journey.

That is my goal outside of the classroom--to introduce as many people with this journey--both people inside the church and out. The reality is, there are many, many church-goers who never began their journey and live in that damning cycle of destruction.

I don't know about the world's and church's view about me, but I know I am comfortable where I stand with my God--a sinner made righteous by my Jesus.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Was said...

Remember twig, only Christianity preaches that rules no longer apply. The relationship with Christ is the solution since that allows you to cross the bridge of sin and get to God

8:16 PM  
Blogger Was said...

buddhism looks inward for truth, Christains know that human nature is innately evil. Buddhism does not need a savior since he himself can be a savior.

8:47 PM  

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